Support Us
We need your help to brighten the future for our students...
Tax-deductible donations may be made by check payable to Blackstone Academy Charter School.
The Pearl scholarship
The Pearl Scholarship Fund was designed to assist at least one student in each graduating class attend their “dream” college.
Donate Money
BACS receives a per pupil allotment from the State; however, this contribution does not cover the entire cost of educating each student. To make up the difference BACS relies on the generosity of others in the form of grants and donations. BACS also needs the support of generous individuals to support after school and summer programs including the SPIRIT Educational Program which serves Blackstone Academy students as well as other students from Providence, Pawtucket, and Central Falls.
Tax-deductible donations may be made by check payable to Blackstone Academy Charter School, or by credit card through PayPal using the button above this paragraph. For more information about contributing, or to tour the school to learn more before giving, contact the Director Carolyn Sheehan at 726-1750. Please consider giving to Blackstone so that we may continue to provide a high quality education to our students.
Donate Stuff
In addition to monetary donations, we also have a wish list of needed items:
General Supplies: Notebooks, paper, pens, pencils, calculators, rulers, binders, dividers, markers (craft and dry erase), poster board, etc.
Art Supplies: Paints, paint brushes, construction paper, craft supplies, charcoals, colored pencils, canvases, etc.
Technology: Laser printers, Chromebooks, computers (Windows 7 or newer), digital cameras, digital video cameras, camera gear, tablets or smartphones, thumb drives, etc.
Musical Instruments: Guitars, electronic keyboards, microphones, amplifiers, drums, etc.
Classroom supplies: Reference books/materials, maps, chart paper, paper clips, Post-Its, file folders, scissors, etc.
Science Supplies: Microscopes, lab supplies (test tubes, Petri dishes, etc.).
Sports Gear: Tennis rackets, tennis balls, basketballs, softballs, jerseys, soccer balls, volleyballs, bats, bases, etc.
Donate Your Time
You can also help Blackstone Academy by participating in one of our events. It's incredibly useful for our students to spend time with adults they don't see every day, and you'll love spending time with the students. An easy way to get started is by volunteering to be a judge for one of our Exhibition Nights, where students present a 15-minute recap of one of their favorite projects from one of their classes.
The next Exhibition Night is:
Thursday, May 16th (12th Graders)
Exhibition Night is an excellent way to see the excellent work being done by our students. As a judge you will be teamed with a Blackstone Academy faculty member and another volunteer to evaluate the work and presentation of four students. Afterwards there is an "open mic" in the multipurpose room, with students recite poetry in front of a large, enthusiastic audience.
The PEARL Scholarship
Pearls are formed from the “grit” inside an oyster shell. Blackstone’s Pearls are chosen by the grit they demonstrate, their commitment to BACS’ Habits of Mind, and financial need. Established in 2013, the Pearl Scholarship Fund was designed to assist at least one student in each graduating class attend their “dream” college by helping to bridge the gap between tuition costs and financial aid. The scholarship's endowment has more than doubled since its inception due to the generosity of donors both large and small, and we hope to continue that growth at a spring event for past and future donors. If you can't wait until then to donate, click the link below:
Blackstone Academy at a Glance
350+ Students
Serving Grades 9-12
14:1 Student-Teacher Ratio
81% Free & Reduced Lunch